Being Myself Again

It's been a year since I felt this good. It's been a year since I felt like giggling and play-fighting with my sweetie, running, working, and being adventurous. And being myself again feels awesome.

I've changed over the past year - but what could one expect for a year full of house improvements and body changes related to pregnancy and delivering a baby? I can't do as much as I did then - I find myself with less free time and muscle tone - but I am throwing myself whole-heartedly into my book (which will be published in November), and into getting my body better than it was pre-pregnancy. I have a three-and-a-half-month extroverted baby boy who is easily bored by toys and a kitten about his age who likes to ruin Xbox games (sorry, D...). Yeah, Midget gets on the Xbox and hits the eject button while jumping off of it. Hmmm.

And Yance likes his mobile for only five minutes at a time. Usually, more than ten minutes on his back at one time is too much. He has figured out how to roll from his belly to his back - but going from his back to his belly still stumps and frustrates him.

He blows bubbles and talks to himself and anything he can see. He'll stretch his legs up and grab his toes with his hands. Fingers and thumbs go into his mouth, and he sucks on anything he can put in it - your knuckles, his pacifier and teething ring... and his fists and wrists.

The swing is good for about thirty minutes right after he's been fed. And for putting him to sleep, set on full speed ahead. He doesn't pay any attention to the stuffed owls hanging above it anymore. And he has to be strapped into it or he will slide out.

He won't sleep on his back - not soundly, anyway. Poor kid rolls from belly to back and gets stuck there (he doesn't know how to roll from back to belly, yet) and wakes us up several times a night now to fix it. We're working on having him learn to go back to sleep on his own - and on his back.

I want to swing up on a horse and ride at a full gallop down a long, grassy meadow. I haven't truly wanted to do that for a long time.

I want to help put fences up so the horses can have more pasture. I haven't had the energy to do that in a year.

And I want to drive down a country (not county) road and enjoy it. Now, I generally don't enjoy driving. And I haven't enjoyed it in a very, very long time. But on Friday (the 23rd) I took a short drive and found myself loving it.

I am finally mentally prepared to tackle life again. On Wednesday (the 21st) I cleaned the whole living room and rearranged it. And wasn't completely exhausted. I have run for fun lately, stretched, done push ups, and had a blast hanging out with my hubby. I am myself again, and it feels good.

D is recovering from a nasty bite on the back from our stud horse. Sneaky decided he didn't like him and leaped at the fence to nab my sweetie in the back as he was walking away. I've never seen him that aggressive toward a person before. We're deciding what to do - keep him and stand him at stud, or sell him.

It's been a short week for me. The days have been long, but the week has felt short. I've been working out every morning since Tuesday (I was too tired on Monday), and I can definitely feel it in my muscles. I also cleaned the main room (kitchen/living room/dining room) yesterday and the bathroom today. Now to keep up maintenance. Hmmm.

Today I am going to recap what I've advertised.

On Becoming Babywise (5/26)
To Train Up A Child (6/2)
Preparing to Be a Help Meet (6/9)
Rebellion Under the Stars (6/16)
Created to be His Help Meet (6/23)

For those of you who want to help out but aren't interested in what I advertised, you don't have to buy exactly what was advertised in order to help me make money! Just click on the picture and then when it pulls up, search for something you want. You can buy a lot of stuff and I will still get 10% commission, as long as you click on the advertised item first and use the site that pulls up! So far I have had one purchase made - and earned twelve cents commission. Along with that first purchase, my application to the Amazon Affiliate program was accepted. I had to get one purchase in the first 180 days in order to be officially accepted into the program.

Anyway, I should get back to life. Weee! I'm feeling good. D finally has his energetic sweetheart back. I'm crazy, madly in love, and enjoying the feeling of energy and a fresh, positive attitude. God has blessed me so immensely, and I am so, so thankful!


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