It's Been A Fun Week

Last weekend, Kmarie of Dreamer's Essence was here to hang out, go over wedding stuff with me (I am a bridesmaid in her August wedding), and catch up. She hasn't been out here in a year.

She showed up Friday night and left Saturday evening, so she could be back in time to get some sleep and play piano for the church choir back home. And, of course, be home for Mother's Day.

So, we started Saturday off by eating waffles (Yance was delighted), and then rode Jack and played with Dingus (video here). Yance even got his first real ride with me! After that, we went over some wedding stuff, then she made us salad for lunch. D was off helping family with firewood gathering and that sort of thing, and didn't get back until closer to 4pm.

We made chicken parmesan for supper, and soon after that she was on her way home. I thoroughly enjoyed the day, and can't wait to be back in her area to see my family and hers next month.

Sunday was Mother's Day, and D got me a very nice card and robe, while Yance gave me Hershey's milk chocolate and a rose bush. Or his father and grandfather got them for him. It was a nice day overall, and I got to see my ten-day-old nephew for the first time. Extended family gathered at a relative's place not far from here, and had a great afternoon. We ended the day by going to see my parents'-in-law since Mama couldn't make the gathering, and then we were home and relaxing.

Monday, I rounded up Jack, baited Dingus to the arena with him, chased Duke off so that I could actually work with the gelding, and then proceeded to pick his front hooves, brush his mane and tail, and spray him down with fly spray. I had this week reserved for desensitizing him to the spray, but apparently that was entirely unnecessary. He gave me little trouble with his feet, and for the first time actually did not protest when I held his tail to brush it.

Tuesday he had off. Instead, D and I had a busy day getting various projects done (I have a phone, now), in town, including the very first midwife visit for this pregnancy. There is a healthy baby growing inside me, and I felt relieved and overjoyed. Also, we now have food again, so that's nice. Grocery shopping went well and Yance enjoyed looking at things down the aisles.

Wednesday and Thursday, I simply caught Dingus and worked with him, the first day in the round pen and arena, getting him used to the saddle blanket and surcingle, figuring out how to do circles without freaking him out, and getting mad at the dog for chasing the horse while we were attempting to do circles. Fortunately, he let me catch him quickly and we resumed, but Duke is annoying.


Yesterday, I caught Dingus after Duke chased  him off and then I chased Duke off, and we worked in the barn area. Picking out his hooves and brushing his mane and tail has become routine as of this week, and also rubbing down his hind legs to prepare for them to be picked up. The saddle blanket and surcingle were placed back on him, and we worked on him moving his front and back ends individually away from pressure on either side. Then, I tried flexing his neck and getting him to bring his nose to his girth, but he's more inclined to move his feet, and it took a few minutes on both sides to get him to turn his head to me without moving those feet.

Yesterday we also worked on swinging the lead rope over his head to swap sides with it, since he will be started in a halter with one rein before going to two reins and then a bridle. It took some time to process, as I expected, but before long he figured it out and I could do it standing at his shoulder on either side. He apparently needs to walk a circle a few times when he's processing, and is sensitive and attentive enough to not run off and pull away - especially when the dog is not chasing him.

We ended the lesson by tying him to the solid pipe fence for the first time, while I arranged gates to let him and Jack into the yard, and put the rest of the gear away. He was a little annoyed, especially when Duke started nipping his hocks, but he never sat back or freaked out.

I want more Sneaky babies.

Today I am cleaning the house, everybody's getting baths, and we're tidying up for the weekend - when we never do any cleaning because we are busy or just having fun. So. I will get back to work with the horse tomorrow, and hopefully he gets his hind hooves picked up for the first time without trouble!

D and I have officially been together three years as of yesterday, and it's been the best three years of my life. I love him so very much!


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