What A Week

Sunday, we were lazy early and busy late, shopping and moving hay and working on leather.

Monday, the power was out because a big truck had wiped out some power lines a quarter mile up the road. So, we had to take a long route to get to my mother-in-law's and enjoy some time there in electricity while she got to see her grandson. I also used the internet there to post the video of week one of Dingus - which took all day. YouTube is frustrating at times.

So to recap - Monday I was avoiding semis on a one-and-three-quarter-lane road, navigating around dogs, and all in all not being 100% sound behind the wheel. I was really off for some reason.

BUT! We got the signed transfer from Sneaky's breeder in the mail, so that's awesome!

Tuesday, we took Dingus to the vet. We had loaded him up Monday night with water and hay, and then I took the hay and water out just before we took off. He won't step on concrete, we found out, but besides that he did pretty well when we dropped him off at the vet. Then, I spent most of the day with Ma and Boss while D had a long work day. The vet called at 1 to notify me that they had too many emergencies come up to get the gelding done, but could keep him overnight and do it Wednesday morning. No problem.

Dingus on Tuesday

Wednesday, I waited and did some rearranging at home, before my father-in-law called about Dingus's status. The vet hadn't notified me, yet, so I called them. We were told he was ready shortly thereafter, and went to town.

There was no trouble there, but we had to go to Ace and then Walmart. Dingus handled all that well.

When we got him home, he was excited and wanted out, but without too much trouble got him penned up and watered and fed. Duke sure tried to intervene, however. That was fantastic.

Thursday, I was tired and out of it. The week had been long and not gone according to plan, and the water was giving us some trouble thanks to the 4-5 hours it had been out on Monday. First air had been in the line, and then dirt came in a little on top of that. I noticed when I took a bath that afternoon.

Friday, today, I am cleaning the house, working on another video, cleaning Yance (bath), and then helping Ma clean her house for a baby shower for my sister-in-law on Sunday.

Tomorrow, D and a bunch of guys will be playing air soft, and I will be making cookies for said baby shower. And posting the Dingus Week Two video, which will be a lot shorter.

Our second anniversary is in ten days. We have no plans. But that's okay. Next year, we'll be out of debt and can afford to go somewhere and do fun things!


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