I drowned my phone on Monday. I was trying to get out of the tub and dropped it in there. At first, we thought it might recover, but it didn't. And so, I have been communicating to friends and family on my laptop, and through my husband's phone. I actually don't miss it all that much, so I guess it's not a priority to get a new one. I rather enjoy being phone-less. Father and son a couple weeks ago The weather has been wet and also sunny this week, and with Easter on Sunday it looks like we'll be dealing with soggy ground. Fun. We get anniversary pictures taken this weekend. That will be fun! The horses have spent a lot of time in the yard this week, mowing it down and enjoying the juicy grass. We're still recovering from the weekend trip. I'm pretty sure that Yance and I both appreciate healthier foods, as we've been dealing with rather upset stomachs - though I have greatly improved and he only dealt with it in the middle of the night. A...