I'm Gonna Miss This
I'm gonna miss these days. I'm gonna miss the little Yance who watches everything, sleeps hard, loves his parents, and grins at the silliest things. I am going to miss putting him to bed, kissing his forehead, and bouncing him up and down to entertain him.
This boy is my husband's legacy - and mine, too. Hopefully he is the first part of our legacy, but who knows. Either way, he is a cherished part of our lives!
He is funny, handsome, talkative, active, opinionated, and observant. A lot like his father, really.
Yance's hazel-eyed father had blue eyes at this age, too, but the boy bears my brown hair, if a shade or two lighter than mine has ever been. He obviously bore traits from my side of the family when he was born, but now that he has gotten older he blends traits from both myself and my sweetheart. I cannot say who he looks like. To me, he looks like himself. And I love him.
My days are spent writing, cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, taking care of horses, playing with Yance, and hanging out with D. And often watching Midget play with the boy.
I'm gonna miss the baby grins, fascinated staring, determination to not fall asleep, and the cat's determination to keep him clean. Before we know it, he is going to be toddling around on his chunky little legs, and soon saddling his own horse for a gallop across the pasture, or running outside to go shooting with daddy. He'll probably be carrying his buddy Midget around and getting into fights with his cousin, who is nearly four months his junior.
We'll look back, D and I, and remember things Yance will never know. Sure, he'll hear stories, but he'll never truly know what he was like at this age.
He'll be riding horses and hunting and having fun doing target practice with daddy, maybe even shooting competition and going to 4-H. He'll play with his cousins and his aunts and uncles, especially the one that will be over six months younger than him.
The baby boy that sleep-crashes on the living room floor will one day be riding horseback by himself. One day he'll have a job. Sooner than expected, he'll be driving, and then he'll move out. There'll be girlfriends, and one will become his wife. There'll be grandchildren.
This little boy that loves water and his kitten will be tall and handsome and physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally strong.
We will look back and remember the little tyke who couldn't stand being unable to crawl at four months of age. And we'll cry, because how the years have flown. He won't be our little bubba, our adorable baby boy. He'll be a grown man, and with God's help he'll wise beyond his years.
I have a lot of work to do to make sure he fulfills the promise he shows.
I'm gonna miss these days.
Today I would like to feature a cast iron dish set that my husband and I got for our wedding .We use it a lot, and found it especially handy for keeping my iron levels up when I was pregnant. I love cooking with them and hope to pass them down to my children some day!
This boy is my husband's legacy - and mine, too. Hopefully he is the first part of our legacy, but who knows. Either way, he is a cherished part of our lives!
He is funny, handsome, talkative, active, opinionated, and observant. A lot like his father, really.
Yance's hazel-eyed father had blue eyes at this age, too, but the boy bears my brown hair, if a shade or two lighter than mine has ever been. He obviously bore traits from my side of the family when he was born, but now that he has gotten older he blends traits from both myself and my sweetheart. I cannot say who he looks like. To me, he looks like himself. And I love him.
My days are spent writing, cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, taking care of horses, playing with Yance, and hanging out with D. And often watching Midget play with the boy.
I'm gonna miss the baby grins, fascinated staring, determination to not fall asleep, and the cat's determination to keep him clean. Before we know it, he is going to be toddling around on his chunky little legs, and soon saddling his own horse for a gallop across the pasture, or running outside to go shooting with daddy. He'll probably be carrying his buddy Midget around and getting into fights with his cousin, who is nearly four months his junior.
We'll look back, D and I, and remember things Yance will never know. Sure, he'll hear stories, but he'll never truly know what he was like at this age.
He'll be riding horses and hunting and having fun doing target practice with daddy, maybe even shooting competition and going to 4-H. He'll play with his cousins and his aunts and uncles, especially the one that will be over six months younger than him.
The baby boy that sleep-crashes on the living room floor will one day be riding horseback by himself. One day he'll have a job. Sooner than expected, he'll be driving, and then he'll move out. There'll be girlfriends, and one will become his wife. There'll be grandchildren.
This little boy that loves water and his kitten will be tall and handsome and physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally strong.
We will look back and remember the little tyke who couldn't stand being unable to crawl at four months of age. And we'll cry, because how the years have flown. He won't be our little bubba, our adorable baby boy. He'll be a grown man, and with God's help he'll wise beyond his years.
I have a lot of work to do to make sure he fulfills the promise he shows.
I'm gonna miss these days.
Today I would like to feature a cast iron dish set that my husband and I got for our wedding .We use it a lot, and found it especially handy for keeping my iron levels up when I was pregnant. I love cooking with them and hope to pass them down to my children some day!
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