I'm Bragging (a bit)

Last weekend, D and I were at the local gun show. It was depressing. We did make enough to pay for the table and the food we ate but all of the business came from the local Sons of Confederate Veterans camp, which my dear D is apart of and had a booth set up in the same area of the Civic Center as us!

Despite all the frustration, it actually managed to be slightly better than the Memorial Day weekend gun show at the same place.

The colt is still unnamed but mostly because nobody is actually in a real rush to name him. We have plenty of name options, so we do not have a shortage of those!

Hungry little baby!
My family is coming down tomorrow for the day, so we won't have a completely boring weekend, though that would almost be nice. Last weekend, with its early rising just like during the work week, got to me and I will appreciate the ability to sleep in this weekend.

The horses are fat and happy, just grazing all that good grass out there. I will, as soon as I can, get out there and start making Sue lose weight by riding her a good bit. The colt needs work, too.

Odo, the cat, hasn't been seen in weeks, so we fear he is gone for good. Kelly, on the other hand, has been spotted here and there, usually running away from us. She is nuts. We haven't gotten a good chance to take a photo of her in a while, either. I would post one if we had one.

We are still waiting on the electric company to come actually set up the poles and wire for us to have electricity, so we're still at D's parents' place. I am grateful that they and his sister have happily put up with us for so long! It's been almost a month and a half now that we've been here and are itching to get back to our own place, which everybody understands except the electric company. Blech. Oh well.

My husband and I this past winter
I am a lucky and very blessed woman. The Lord kept me alive through what could've been a lethal accident over a month ago, and my husband is ever so grateful for that! Speaking of, I seriously don't deserve someone who works his tail off, has impeccable work ethic, is completely obsessed with me, and believes I am the greatest treasure in the world. No, no, he is the greatest treasure in the world! How many young men these days actually work and budget and are frugal, and earn all their achievements through hard labor instead of getting them with spoiled whining? True young men do, not these boys in men's bodies.

My husband playing with his mama's wheelchair
My husband (yes, I am bragging on him and I don't regret it), has several top-notch qualities you don't see in men his age very often anymore.
He has a good choice in friends. What I mean by that is that they're are all similar to him in character and I like them. He does have some slightly wilder friends, too, but they're not bad. I have seen and met way worse people. These "wilder" friends are still better than the mainstream youth by a mile!
He has fantastic work ethic. The company he works for absolutely appreciates him, and he hasn't been there long. He is clean, doesn't have any bad habits, and actually communicates with them.
He doesn't smoke or drink. Okay, he does like to have a little bit to drink here and there, but only one or two beers, hard lemonades, or margaritas. Never enough to get close to drunk on. And when he drinks that little bit, it is several weeks (if not months) apart. He doesn't do it just because he's had a hard day. No, I don't think I've ever heard or seen him do any type of alcohol consumption on a hard day. He generally crashes in bed and is out before that rolls around in his head!
He loves the Lord and doesn't give in to mainstream "Christian" belief systems. He believes what he believes and doesn't let himself be manipulated by culture in the least. If he has questions, he turns to the Bible. That is something you don't see every day.

Plus he is a great horseman and hunter and leather worker, entrepreneur, and husband. I am blessed.


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