2017 - A Rollercoaster
Two thousand seventeen was a year of ups and downs. It was pretty good in the first half, but it pretty much just went downhill after July was over. Here are the last twelve months. January : I edited "A.P. Indy", D got his license to carry, and I had a couple midwife visits. Read more here . February : We worked on the driveway and house, got a washing machine and dryer, and also I decided that D is awesome . March : I had a birthday, and Yance was born! Also we had our first anniversary . April : Yance went to his first reenactment, he got a new uncle when his aunt got married , he met Nana and Pop, got to ride a horse for the first time, and I ended up with a bit of PPD while working on Camp NaNoWriMo. May : Our second and final reenactment of the year! And Yance got to meet my grandparents. We traveled a lot , and I did my first feature as an Amazon affiliate. June : It started off terribly. Storms came through and took the power out for five days, and...