Photo Thoughts Part 12: Honeymooners
This picture was taken early in our honeymoon. It was unique because I had never been out of state without an "adult" (aka someone in their 30s or 40s), and because D and I were actually alone, hours from home. We'd gone to local places by ourselves, but stayed within half an hour of our parents. It was fun simply to go someplace and explore on our own.
Just 364 days after we had our first conversation, and really got to know each other, we married and set out on an adventure that will span the rest of our lives. The first week was spent in Arkansas, but the honeymoon really lasted for several months. I'm not sure when it ended - if it was before or after Yance was born.
My beloved and I are learning more about each other by the day. And, in a way, ourselves. Because we have to explain different things to each other, and in vocalizing our thoughts we realize various traits we never noticed we had, or other little things we notice we need to change.
As for me, I am short-tempered and rather violent. (oops) Not even I can predict it, and it annoys me. And D, who has no idea what's going on, is confused, frustrated, and at times short with me.
Sometimes I blame him for things that he had no control over, or that neither of us had any idea would annoy me. And plus my communication skills have always sucked.
I love him. He does his best to love me, even when I make it incredibly difficult, and is much more mature than anyone I know that is anywhere near his age.
When I am a raging disaster, I never appreciate what a good man I married. But then I come out of it and am so glad he's there to set me straight as gently and firmly as he knows how.
We're no longer honeymooners, but once we've got the cattle loan hanging over this house taken care of, we'll take annual anniversary trips. And it will feel like we're honeymooners again.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! And that means preparing and figuring out what we're doing this holiday season.
So far a trip to see D's maternal grandparents is lined up for next weekend, following the paternal grandparents-and-family celebration. And right after that we're thinking of Christmas. Scratch that: we're already thinking of Christmas.
I don't enjoy the holidays because of all the people and overwhelming spices, sugar, and food that I generally don't like. Even the holiday styles bug me.
But there are a few foods I love, and I do love receiving gifts at Christmas. No, my love language is not gifts, but every now and then it's nice.
The cooler weather and therefore the lack of snakes and chiggers makes the season a whole lot better. And the meat my man brings in from his weekly hunt.
Yance is nearing eight and a half months of age, and by Christmas will be a nine and a half month old boy pestering everybody and probably running and crawling around all the people he can find.
Today I feature something that is on my wish list that is also something that I have watched and loved. Jericho.
For $26, you can get a one-and-a-half season show that centers around the fictional Jericho, Kansas, and the events that surround a fallout due to nuclear explosions in most of the major cities in the U.S. It has twists, turns, and is overall rather dark, come to think of it, but has truly human characters.
There's a city woman stuck in a small town, who ends up having to be a guest in the home of the farmer she was auditing, along with his deaf sister. There's a young man who has to grow up suddenly when his parents don't come home from a trip, and then there's the mayor's family, which the series focuses on the most.
It is probably my favorite show, and the seven-episode second season only came around due to fans pressing the makers of Jericho to continue it. Jericho ran from September 20, 2006, to March 25, 2008.
It stars Skeet Ulrich (Armored, 50 to 1, Austin Found, and TV show Law & Order: LA), Lennie James (Sahara, Blade Runner 2049, TV show The Walking Dead), and Alicia Coppola (TV shows Teen Wolf, The Young and the Restless), among many others.
And for those of you reading this who are wondering what to get me for Christmas, I don't need more than one! <chuckle>
I will be making a special announcement tomorrow on Facebook and Twitter, so don't miss it!
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