Opening Week of Holiday Season
Thanksgiving day started off the Holiday Season of 2017 for us. D has worked a total of four days since then, counting today. Thanksgiving Day kicked off a four-day weekend, and then he took his birthday, Wednesday, off.
Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I anticipated, though no doubt Ma was feeling a rollercoaster. We celebrated D's birthday with cake that day as well, and it was good to have most of the extended family there.
The following day, in early afternoon, we started out for Mama's parents, as has been done annually for many years, with few exceptions. It was my third appearance there. Yance seemed to love it, but all the travel being confined to the car seat was pretty upsetting for him. He's had it with that thing for a while. He absolutely loves travelling, but the eight and a half month old has never been one for sitting still.

Saturday was Thanksgiving at D's other grandparents, and then that night we were in a hotel by the Texas Motor Speedway. Sunday was spent going from Cabela's to Bass Pro Shop to another Cabela's, with brunch and a later lunch along the way. We were within an hour of home and it was late in the evening when we finally got supper after stopping at Academy Sports & Outdoors.
Monday and Tuesday, D worked while I cleaned up a bunch of diatomaceous earth that we had spread to purge ants from the house before we left on Thanksgiving Friday.
And on Wednesday, my beloved aged another year. We spent the morning relaxing, then rushing around getting ready. There was a bath to give Yance, tapioca pudding to make for breakfast (I didn't have any - D had most of it), and shooting practice to do. And then we loaded up in our little F150 and headed for Zavalla, Texas.
Where we arrived early, so we took our sweet time getting to Camp His Way, and were still a little early. But Dustin Ellermann didn't seem to mind, and he was still expecting us even though it had been almost a month since we had been in communication.
Yance enjoyed petting Nosler (Dustin's pig) and tried to eat all the pine cones he could find, while bald eagles soared overhead and one even perched in a tree after all the shooting was done.
It's pretty out there, with all the trees and the lake right there, too. I must say, it is one of the highlights of this year, along with Yance's birth.
Now D wants to try cultivating a friendship with this semi-famous winner of Top Shot, so we'll see how that goes.
Just an FYI, that guy is a lot like my father. Maybe not physically (Dad is a little bigger and maybe a hair taller, though they definitely look like they could be related), but mentally.
We didn't get to meet his family. However, one of them did pop out of the woods briefly before going back to work on whatever they were doing.
All in all, it was fun, and we ate at an "eclectic Italian" restaurant in D's birth-town before coming home.
I can't believe that God allowed Wednesday to be as fantastic as it was (although I prayed for several months for it to work out), and in a year where the latter half seemed to be downhill, this was certainly an encouraging step up. Thank you, Lord!
I love my husband, and I can't wait to see what I will be able to do for him next year. With the Lord's help, of course!
I haven't made enough money to get any sort of payment from Amazon as an affiliate, and I chose the lowest threshold - a $10 Amazon gift card! Yikes! The grand total of my earnings comes out to $0.54.
Anyway if things don't improve by the time I've been doing this a year (May 26), then I will stop doing that. I have one question though, before I feature this week's product. What would you like to see featured every week?
And now for this week's feature: Diatomaceous Earth. That's right.
This (well, not EXACTLY this, though maybe we should be ordering from Amazon) is what we use to help reduce the ant problem in the house. Why? Because it's not poisonous, it can be food grade (we have an animal supplement type thing with Calcium Bentonite in it), and it effectively suffocates the bugs. It's a powder, and we use it largely because Yance crawls around and we feel comfortable letting him do that with this down, even though he tends to get incredibly dirty doing that. Oh well, more baths! And no panicking!
We've used it to dust dogs and cats that are infested with different external creatures, as well. No harm to them.
Anyway, here it is.
And on one more note. If you're going to do a lot of shopping on Amazon, use Amazon Smile ( and pick Camp His Way Incorporated to help Dustin and them out. I forgot about this when I was shopping yesterday, though. Whoops! Sorry!
"Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at"
AND I have a link to my book in the pages tab up on the blog, so go check it out!
See y'all next week!
Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I anticipated, though no doubt Ma was feeling a rollercoaster. We celebrated D's birthday with cake that day as well, and it was good to have most of the extended family there.
The following day, in early afternoon, we started out for Mama's parents, as has been done annually for many years, with few exceptions. It was my third appearance there. Yance seemed to love it, but all the travel being confined to the car seat was pretty upsetting for him. He's had it with that thing for a while. He absolutely loves travelling, but the eight and a half month old has never been one for sitting still.

Monday and Tuesday, D worked while I cleaned up a bunch of diatomaceous earth that we had spread to purge ants from the house before we left on Thanksgiving Friday.
And on Wednesday, my beloved aged another year. We spent the morning relaxing, then rushing around getting ready. There was a bath to give Yance, tapioca pudding to make for breakfast (I didn't have any - D had most of it), and shooting practice to do. And then we loaded up in our little F150 and headed for Zavalla, Texas.
Where we arrived early, so we took our sweet time getting to Camp His Way, and were still a little early. But Dustin Ellermann didn't seem to mind, and he was still expecting us even though it had been almost a month since we had been in communication.
Yance enjoyed petting Nosler (Dustin's pig) and tried to eat all the pine cones he could find, while bald eagles soared overhead and one even perched in a tree after all the shooting was done.
It's pretty out there, with all the trees and the lake right there, too. I must say, it is one of the highlights of this year, along with Yance's birth.
Now D wants to try cultivating a friendship with this semi-famous winner of Top Shot, so we'll see how that goes.
We didn't get to meet his family. However, one of them did pop out of the woods briefly before going back to work on whatever they were doing.
All in all, it was fun, and we ate at an "eclectic Italian" restaurant in D's birth-town before coming home.
I can't believe that God allowed Wednesday to be as fantastic as it was (although I prayed for several months for it to work out), and in a year where the latter half seemed to be downhill, this was certainly an encouraging step up. Thank you, Lord!
I love my husband, and I can't wait to see what I will be able to do for him next year. With the Lord's help, of course!
I haven't made enough money to get any sort of payment from Amazon as an affiliate, and I chose the lowest threshold - a $10 Amazon gift card! Yikes! The grand total of my earnings comes out to $0.54.
Anyway if things don't improve by the time I've been doing this a year (May 26), then I will stop doing that. I have one question though, before I feature this week's product. What would you like to see featured every week?
And now for this week's feature: Diatomaceous Earth. That's right.
This (well, not EXACTLY this, though maybe we should be ordering from Amazon) is what we use to help reduce the ant problem in the house. Why? Because it's not poisonous, it can be food grade (we have an animal supplement type thing with Calcium Bentonite in it), and it effectively suffocates the bugs. It's a powder, and we use it largely because Yance crawls around and we feel comfortable letting him do that with this down, even though he tends to get incredibly dirty doing that. Oh well, more baths! And no panicking!
We've used it to dust dogs and cats that are infested with different external creatures, as well. No harm to them.
Anyway, here it is.
And on one more note. If you're going to do a lot of shopping on Amazon, use Amazon Smile ( and pick Camp His Way Incorporated to help Dustin and them out. I forgot about this when I was shopping yesterday, though. Whoops! Sorry!
"Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at"
AND I have a link to my book in the pages tab up on the blog, so go check it out!
See y'all next week!
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