Frozen New Year

Well, the cold snap that occurred over the New Year weekend is finally letting up. Blegh. We were completely out of water for a day, because a pipe broke at a trailer house that is unused but still had water turned on to it.

I finally got out to take pictures, because it was warm enough!

Also, I had a cold that got worse New Year's Day and is finally clearing up now. Yance has been congested but not bad. His third tooth is much more prominent now, and he's a happy little guy.

We spent last weekend with my parents, and it snowed! Not much, and was it was way too cold out to let Yance experience it, but it did. It was real snow.

While we were there, my parents basically took over Yance's training, giving us a bit of a break and helping us figure out where we were good and where we needed to improve. It's been rough, this past year, and being first time parents we didn't (and still don't) know what we were doing. But I am grateful to my family for helping out and pointing us in the right direction. Our soon-to-be ten month old is a smart little man and is learning quickly. We just have to make sure he learns to obey, not that he can get away with stuff.

This next year will be busy. We will be pouring our heart and available money into getting our debt paid off, so D will be busy working on his leather business while I figure out how to make money on my end. Ideas?

This year will see me be apart of a wedding, the first one besides my own. I am loving my best friend's ideas, and wish we could have budgeted a nice one like she's got in mind. But our wedding was unique and wonderful, and I'd never go back on the plans we made for it.

Yance will turn one, and that will be a momentous occasion. He will get a cousin a couple months later, and hopefully (fingers crossed!) we can be out of debt by Kmarie's wedding.

My husband is my best friend, and I can't believe we'll have been married for two years this March. It feels like it's not been that long! But it also feels like we've been married forever. Like we've never not been married, and our lives have always been intertwined in this wonderful, crazy, roller coaster adventure.

My only personal goals this year are to have "A.P. Indy" on Kindle by mid-February, and to break Dingus in and have him "backed" by the end of autumn. Everything else - my time, money, and energy - will be poured into my husband, then my son, and then to the rest of my family and friends.

I hope and pray 2018 is a much better year. 2017 was so bad that we will scarcely speak of it.


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