My Son - An Open Letter
What will you be when you are grown? A missionary in a far-off land, or just a rancher with an extraordinary wife and lots of children? Perhaps you will be crazy enough to join the chicken industry, or the gas or oil industries. Perhaps your love for water will make you an Olympic swimmer, and you'll be the greatest that ever lived. Or maybe you'll be a veterinarian, since you seem to love all the animals you come in contact with. Whatever life path you choose, I know one thing: you'll be good at it, and you will try your best to be great. Yancey Lane, we are proud of you. You have inherited a headstrong personality from your parents, but also great strength and brains - from your father, no doubt. We will try to teach you how to use your intelligence for God, and couple it nicely with the stubbornness to get something good done in this world. But we won't be perfect. So try to be understanding. No doubt you will be, but only after you have kids of your own. ...