
Showing posts from July, 2017

Writing: Why I Love It

I love writing because I get my thoughts out on paper and see them. I love writing because... well... I love to read. I love writing because I don't like talking, but I do like to communicate. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Writing about horses, more specifically. And I love to write because it gets my thoughts out for others to see, and in some cases I want books to be available that aren't, because nobody has written them. So I am writing. My first book is to be a non fiction biography of sorts about A.P. Indy. My second planned book (which I hope to publish in Nov 2018) is a fictional romance based off of the song by Riders In the Sky, "A Border Romance". And my third is to be of my favorite living racehorse, Texas Bling. I looked for a book about A.P. Indy and haven't found one. "A Border Romance" is a story-song that would make an excellent book - though I admit I do have doubts about finishing that one or even sta...

I'm Gonna Miss This

I'm gonna miss these days. I'm gonna miss the little Yance who watches everything, sleeps hard, loves his parents, and grins at the silliest things. I am going to miss putting him to bed, kissing his forehead, and bouncing him up and down to entertain him. This boy is my husband's legacy - and mine, too. Hopefully he is the first part of our legacy, but who knows. Either way, he is a cherished part of our lives! He is funny, handsome, talkative, active, opinionated, and observant. A lot like his father, really. Yance's hazel-eyed father had blue eyes at this age, too, but the boy bears my brown hair, if a shade or two lighter than mine has ever been. He obviously bore traits from my side of the family when he was born, but now that he has gotten older he blends traits from both myself and my sweetheart. I cannot say who he looks like. To me, he looks like himself. And I love him. My days are spent writing, cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, taking care o...

Priority Number One: Husband

" And the LORD God said,  It is  not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a  help meet  for him. " Genesis 2:18. The priority list of a good help meet goes like this: 1. Husband 2. Children (if any) 3. Others When I married my husband, I promised to be a faithful and true wife, to love, comfort, and keep him. I promised to forsake all others and remain true unto him as long as we both live. I have endowed all my worldly goods to him in sickness, health, poverty, and wealth until death parts us. And it's not easy. " Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire  shall be  to thy husband , and he shall rule over thee . " Genesis 3:16. Your man is the head of the household. Sometimes you must step outside of your position to care for him or to save others from him, but those exceptions are rare. Too often in this world, the concerns o...

Being A Help Meet

My first priority is to my spouse, my beloved, my husband. It is my job to keep him happy and encourage (not enable) him through life. I am his help meet. Because of this, now that I have energy back, I am working on losing my postpartum flab and also keep the house clean and try to earn money with this blog. He is easy to please. Respect him, acknowledge him and his efforts to please me and keep me safe, and love him. My entire being is madly in love with him. Even though he doesn't enjoy it, he works long hours to keep the electricity on, keep us fed, and pay off the debt on the house. He comes home tired at the end of the day, and sometimes has to plow right back into work, building different things with leather. The weekends are usually spent working on the yard. And once in a while, he comes home just to turn right around and load us up for a trip to my parents' place. In return, I try to keep the house at least somewhat clean and make sure he has clean clothes...