Turn Around
It's been a rough week. I've been slightly depressed, and all the way stressed from being congested for two weeks.... AND sick off and on for the past ten months for various reasons (concussion, morning sickness, stomach bug, late pregnancy Braxton Hicks & "false" labor, labor/delivery recovery, and now weather-induced congestion turned sinus infection turned postnasal drip).
But yesterday made up for it a good deal. First, I actually folded laundry. Then I got a nap in the afternoon (which turned out to be a bad move, or so Yance thought). Ma came by and saw her little great-grandson, and then shortly after that took us to her place so she could still see her favorite baby while doing stuff around the house. And I could rest while not being completely alone. Ended up watching Bones and M*A*S*H and enjoying Ma's reactions to Yance's expressions. He also gave her a loaded diaper, which was unexpected since he'd already given ME one earlier in the day! Sorry, Ma...
D, meanwhile, got home way earlier than I knew at the time, and launched into a full-on bedroom cleaning spree. Eventually, about 7pm, he came and got me and the boy. But he wasn't done in the room yet, and there was this sign on the door telling me not to enter. So I didn't.
Instead, we had a general conversation about our stressed out week, and then I started supper while he worked on the room again. In the process, Yance also got his crib cleaned out and the sheet changed. Not that he'd been sleeping in it, but I decided it was time he did. It had been used exclusively as a change-table for the past few weeks.
And then we ate supper. I had a smoothie and leftover chicken noodle soup. D had leftover spaghetti. Yance joined us, and we all watched two Clone Wars episodes. For some reason we've been watching those on YouTube for a couple weeks now...
When I finally got to see our room, it was clean. The floor was swept, the boxes that had been stashed in there had been removed, and boots were lined up neatly along the walls. The bed was neatly made, the sheet had been changed, and pillow covers were changed out, too. I don't think I've ever seen our room so neat in my life! Thank you, sweetie!
Yance took a bit to quiet down in the crib (he was still wide awake after his meal), but eventually he did fall asleep.
I woke up several times in the night to cough, which was incredibly annoying. And then at 5am, Yance woke up coughing, too. But he didn't throw a fit, and I was impressed! In fact, he was already asleep when my 5:30 alarm went off, which meant it was time for his first meal of the day. It was his first time making it through the night without fussing once. And he is 7 weeks old.
It put me in a good mood, which is always a good way to start the day. Sure, my coughing in the middle of the night was annoying, but even that didn't cause the boy to be fussy. He's been fussier today, but that's understandable. He has the same problem I do, so he's miserable. But he's still pretty happy, especially when given a lot of attention. Unlike his parents, the baby seems to be a people person. Oh dear.
Tomorrow, if everything goes well, Yance, D, and I will be headed to Houston, where D will be playing in his band at a party. We will head back up here overnight, and who knows when on Sunday we will actually arrive at home again. I'm excited - and praying that my coughing is under control by then!
I won Camp NanoWrimo April 2017 today. My goal ended up being 127 pages edited.... and I completed 137 pages. Now to do the other 109 pages over the course of the next two months!
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