I'm Probably Gonna Tick You Off
A word of warning before you proceed: This is the longest blog post I have ever written (over 4,500 words), and also by far the most controversial. If you read this post, you risk getting angry, or you risk understanding and maybe even developing a little-accepted point of view. Proceed at your own risk.
My best friend, KitMarie, posted her weekly L'Art Classique blog post on Monday (which you can read HERE if you want to get a good idea of what this first part is about). As soon as I read it, I knew what at least part of my post this week would be about.
I am three years her junior, her fifth cousin once removed, her old neighbor (in the country, living 10 miles apart still counts as neighbors), and still one of her best friends. She was maid of honor at my wedding and is my dearest friend--besides, of course, my husband.
This first part of my post is about my point of view on things she brought up in Monday's blog post. Seeing as how we are in two different positions in life and have two different personalities, I thought I'd set my own words out there, sort of in response, and sort of as an expansion on her words.
While I, uh, actually am in the middle of this, this was and is not my idea of success. At one time in my life, I actually abhorred the idea of marriage and children. Yes, I fell in love, but that was not my plan in life. I was going to live with KitMarie and forge my own path. I was going to be a trainer of Thoroughbreds, eventually owning and breeding them, and to me success would be standing in the winner's circle with my charge. If and when I got married, it would be to someone in the same line of work as I was in.
Instead, God changed my plans before I could possibly set out on the path to racing, giving me my husband and then a child (which is due next March). And no, this isn't my idea of success. But then again, I am not "most people". And those people who think that being married, settled down, and having kids, is success, well, they need to experience it. Being married has made me feel more like an idiot and a selfish woman than being single did--not that I ever actually got the chance to live a "truly single" life and not be attached to anyone. I will say, though, that it has also made me feel the best about myself--in a large part due to my fantastic and wonderful husband.
Success should be feeling good about what you've done in your life. It should be about being the best you can be. Maybe success is helping your friends out when they're in need, no matter if they actually see the need or not (shout-out to Christians here with lost or misguided friends). Maybe it is just living from day to day, doing what you can for your community or your coworkers or employer.
Maybe it is finally breaking bad habits, finally overcoming obstacles or reducing their impact on you. Maybe it is building your own business and becoming self-sustaining. Success is life, not any one or two things. Success, to me, is feeling good because I've actually accomplished something, and not necessarily the goal I had in mind for my life--plans change. No, it's more like accomplishing the goal for the day, or finally getting something to "click" with a horse that I've been working with for a while. Success is accomplishing the little goals and making progress toward the big goals, and being able to make time for fun without guilt of leaving something undone.
For me, success is hearing my husband's praise for a job well done. It is feeling our unborn child roll and kick within me. It is seeing my own handiwork being put to use. It is seeing prayers answered. Success is picking a winner at the races. It is having a successful ride or work session with a horse. And it will be, one day, finally knowing my child is potty-trained. It will be knowing that my children are walking in faith, God-fearing Christians. It will be knowing that I need not fear when they move away.
I don't know here what she means about a "proper" relationship. That can be taken in so many different ways by so many different people. My take on what a proper (unmarried, romantic) relationship is, is a relationship made up of two people of the opposite sex who do not engage in any kind of sexual activity. And there are reasons for this besides what the Bible says. And then a proper, married relationship is between two people of the opposite sex, never of the same sex.
Same-sex relationships don't allow for any kind of reproduction. Sure, technology is now allowing for same-sex relationships to bear children, but it is not natural. How would you feel if you saw two mares or two stallions in a "sexual" relationship? It would be weird, wrong, and very strange!
Note here: There have been cases of mares mounting other mares, but this is caused by a Granulosa cell tumor. Once this is removed, the mare goes back to normal.
And the reason I emphasize the virgin/no sex relationship between unmarried men and women is because it causes guilt in the men and women, maybe not so much before they get married, but after. That guilt can cause issues with the function of men and women, to the point that women don't enjoy it anymore and men become depressed. It will cause relationship strains that weren't known before the wedding. Indeed, only through prayer and God can you overcome it. I, fortunately, do not have to worry about this myself, for my husband and I were virgins when we wed. I have it, however, on very good authority that pre-marital sex (aka fornication) is a very bad thing to do and should be avoided at all costs--no matter the temptation. And believe me, I have no idea how we steered clear with all the temptation.
Oh wait, yes I do. It was God and our fear of Him (and, at least for me, the fear of what guilt would do to us later) that kept us pure when everything else (including our own impulses) could not.
If you are not ready for the commitment of marriage, then you should not be pursuing a relationship with someone. "Recreational" relationships are no good for you or the other person. Indeed, relationships are designed not for recreation or "sport", but to find out about each other for the end goal of getting married. If you don't intend this relationship to end in marriage, do not pursue it. I never pursued a relationship I never intended to advance toward marriage, and I never will regret that.
And what is this about not being ready for a "heavy commitment" in general? You need to be ready for a heavy commitment before you get a job! You need to handle commitments in order to survive out in the world!
When you get a loan, you are committed to paying it off. When you get a job, you are committed to showing up at work on time and satisfying your employer's demands. When you go to college, you are committed to four long years of hard studying--at the very least. When you get a pet, you are committed to making sure it stays healthy and is well-fed and has plenty of water and exercise. If you are not ready for a "heavy commitment", you are not ready for life and are a failure.
And here's something. When you become a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew or anything religious, you become committed to following the laws and habits of that religion. You cannot just say, "Hey, I'm a Buddhist!" and then live as if you weren't one, completely denying your faith. It doesn't work that way!
Even when you become a "none" or an atheist, you still are committed to the lifestyle someone of no faith or no god would lead.
Being single and "alone" isn't that bad. You can do a lot of stuff while you are single, and you do have a freedom that you don't when you're married. I was not of the proper age for courtship/dating for very long before I got married, and never did get the chance to move away from my parents and live my own, single life, but I did have a few months there where I was not pursuing anyone, nor being pursued. I felt the most freedom I had ever felt in my life. I'm not taking anything away from my husband--I don't feel a lack of freedom here in the least, and my priorities have changed to serve him, not my own self. In serving him as his wife, I feel a different kind of freedom.
Again, I agree with this!! It isn't bad at all! Some people just aren't supposed to get married, and others don't meet "the one" until further on in life. It is a matter of patience, and if you are content being single (but haven't entirely ruled out getting married--that can get dangerous), then you will be content when you are married, too. I was single and content before I met my husband, and now I am married--and even more content.
I will give one word of warning: if you are too content, and not making yourself in the least available (without being unclean and unchaste; this will attract the wrong options to you), you will likely go to the grave unmarried, and as age catches up with you, you can find yourself wishing you had gotten married. This can happen especially if you are a woman, for once you get to a certain age you cannot reproduce--and if you wanted children, you will wish you had been more open to options. A word of warning to being "more open", too: be very careful to only attract those you would want to marry, and nothing worse than that. There are plenty of good people out there, but they just might be overlooking you because you are not up to their standards, even if they are up to yours.
With that, I end my own, expanded views on her post.
We are having a work day here in a week. That means that this past week has been full of house prep to accommodate the workers and the projects. Mostly, we've been cleaning, so that next week my dear D can work on final prep on the actual project locations.
We've also gone riding, and did it in our reenacting gear. It was the first ride for both horses in quite a while, and I was not surprised by the stubbornness Sue showed at first. But, once we got going, she got down to business, and behaved surprisingly well. However, I did not once have her going faster than a jog, so who knows how that would've gone. Mandy and Kaylen, who are Sue and Jack's buddies, were the ones freaking out. Dingus was a little confused about this whole person-on-horse business when D rode Jack around him bareback before we rode to the house to saddle up, but the colt has a little while before he needs to worry about that. Lol.
Sneaky was given hay on Sunday, and his eyes lit up. We'll let him have some time putting on more weight before turning my fat little mare in with him. There is not yet any confirmation about Mandy being pregnant, but so far we haven't seen obvious signs of heat--and when that horse goes into heat, everybody knows.
Kelly has been coming in and stealing food when we leave the doors open on cooler days or during the cooler times of the day while the air conditioning is off. Somehow she still thinks she's feral, and the kittens hate her with a passion, for she rules the outdoors like a haughty queen and takes over the indoors with the same manner.
Cookie has grown to where he no longer fits under the bedroom door, so shutting him out actually works, we discovered. We don't do it often, though. I like having the little guy around at night, but after one night of being shut out he and the other two have hardly slept with us--and they haven't been shut out since then, so it's their choice. He has also grown mentally, but is still the rough-housing little thing I fell in love with. He will be mostly grown by the time the baby is born, and I will be relieved, even if I'm a little sad now. I can only handle one baby at a time!
This little tabby rules the indoors and knows it very well, for he has stopped sharing me with the others, so much so that he will actually tackle the other kittens when they take "his" spot closest to my face during their naps... or mine. He does love to play with them though, and for two hours every morning (while I am trying to sleep after D goes to work, no less) he and the brothers will be racing around the bedroom playing their own version of tag. I no longer sleep straight through those two hours. I now wake up at least twice while twelve paws make the biggest racket they can on our floor and bed. And then, at the end of those two hours, while I am slowly getting my brain in order so I can get up, they all curl up on or beside me... and doze off. Hmph. It does amuse me, though!
We did watch most of the 2nd presidential debate, and I will say this: while I am not too thrilled with Trump (at all), I did see the businessman side of him and appreciated it (I'm married to an entrepreneur myself, so there...), and also realized the kind of state of mind people must have in order to vote for Clinton. Hillary, if she ever proves remotely useful, would be the one the lazy folks on welfare want, or those who love high taxes and want a socialist state--which is not what this country was supposed to be in the first place. I am not saying that everyone on welfare is lazy (I believe some are actually hard workers but for one reason or another cannot provide for themselves), but it seems that a good majority of them are, or at least the very worst money managers in the world.
It is those who don't understand how business (or life) works that hate Trump (the rest of us with a good brain just dislike him). Those who want a socialist "republic" are those who do not understand how a country works, especially one that truly allows the so-called American dream.
Clinton makes me sick to my stomach. How she can have so much support, especially with her email scandal still going on, completely drives me nuts. I listened to both sides on Sunday night, trying to see both points of view. And I found myself far more in line with Trump's view than Clinton's. I found nothing I liked with Clinton.
While I do not support either candidate, if I was a citizen, I would vote for Trump. Here's why: the Democrats, the idiots in this country, make up too big a population for us to go splitting our votes for other people (unless we all vote for the same third-party candidate, which I really do not see happening). I do appreciate the fact that there are other parties, and if I didn't feel such a need to not allow Clinton into the White House, I would vote for one of their candidates. But the Democrats, unlike the rest of us people with half a brain, will get Hillary Clinton in, if we do not get Trump enough votes to beat her. And we, by simply voting third-party, or not voting, can pave the way for her.
I don't trust Trump. I don't trust any of the third-party candidates (mostly because A: they're politicians, and B: there is little readily available information about them). But I know for a fact that we cannot trust Clinton. Ever.
She bragged about how she got voted in as Senator with more votes the second time than the first time in New York. Yeah, I know how that happened: New Yorkers are idiots! That's how she got to be a senator in the first, and second, place.
I do not believe there is such a thing as throwing away your vote, and I was a little saddened to hear my sweet husband, who was one of many voters (along with KitMarie) who got Cruz Texas in the primaries, say he'll probably vote for Trump. But I've had my chance to sleep on it, and now I see that it is probably the only way to keep Clinton from office. And that's because those socialists band together, and we on the "right" are more independent thinkers. Personally, my heart says vote third party. But my head, which is in full defense mode against the woman who would be the most useless and ridiculous president in the history of the world, says to vote Trump. I'm not against woman presidents. I'm against Clinton presidents, and we've already had one.
If Trump does one thing, and one thing alone in office, he will be worth it. And that one thing (or two), is repealing Obamacare, and then replacing with something that actually works and isn't totally socialist! If he cuts taxes, locks down the border, and does extreme vetting on Muslim immigrants on the side, well, no matter how much I dislike him now, he'll at least have half my respect then.
I am all for the extreme vetting, by the way, for if I was part of a religion where a good amount of us were being radical and dangerous to multiple countries around the world, I would be understanding about why I had to undergo so much more than other people from other religions did, just to move into that country. And I would be upset at the people who were doing those ugly deeds to force us into having to undergo these tests, not the government that had these tests in place.
I will, with my husband's help, be putting up a post on how 3rd parties should run for president if they want to actually get into the White House... and also on how "swing states" and other states like them screw over the entire presidential race. And I will try to have it up before the election....
Besides the candidates, I do have one peeve from the debate: Trump mentioned that "Honest Abe" Lincoln never told a lie (after Clinton mentioned him as being fair to all the people, which is false), and that was a difference between him (Lincoln) and Clinton. Uh, Lincoln lied about a lot of things. He was a politician, a racist (he saw no reason to free slaves--until it became something handy for keeping other countries, like Britain, from siding "officially" with the South, so there, both of you), and he set it up so that the Confederacy fired first in the War for Southern Independence. My only wish is that he hadn't been murdered by John Wilkes Booth, because now he is remembered as a sort of martyr, and had he lived to old age, that would never have happened--and maybe he would've finally done something to help the Unreconstructed further their Cause. The War wasn't over slavery. It was over taxes and freedom, just like the original Revolution was.
Oh, and the Confederacy already had a plan in place to dissolve slavery. Look it up.
With five weeks until our next reenactment, my sister-in-law and I have some work to do to get a nice day outfit put together for me. My growing belly is too big for my ball gown, and I do need a more period correct day outfit. We are more crammed for time than expected, for she and and my mother-in-law are spending an extra two weeks out of town. However, we have a skirt pattern picked. Now we just need a shirt/blouse pattern that works for adding and then, eventually, removing pieces to expand and then shrink it to what I need. After all, that was the way it was done back in the day, to keep from wasting whole dresses.
I also need to get my husband's scarf done, for that reenactment, and I am also working on planning a big surprise for his birthday, which is at the end of next month. I finally decided on his birthday present this week, so that is out of the way!
And, finally... My third appointment with my midwife is next Thursday (assuming no one goes into labor in time to postpone it again), and my dear D will be coming with me. We will find out whether I will need rhogam shots or not (crossing my fingers it's a no so I don't have to deal with more needles in this pregnancy, or $300 for TWO shots...!), my husband will finally get to hear his child's heartbeat... and maybe watch as the midwife tracks the sneaky little baby down to actually get a heartbeat, like she's done the last two times. Last time, we found the heartbeat and then the shy/stubborn sucker ran off. Twice. It's not like there's that much room in my belly for it to hide!
I know, this is probably my most controversial blog post yet. But hey, it's my blog. I may not be a citizen of this country yet, but I have lived here for 11 years as a legal resident, my husband is a citizen, one of my brothers was born here, and my unborn child will be a citizen. By having lived here for 11 years, I have seen the stupidest decisions the people can make in choosing presidents so far (aka Barack Obama twice), and also seen the progression of the homosexual movement and the degradation of the Church. It sickens me to think of what this country has been and what it will be on the road it is headed on, especially if Mrs. Clinton is elected. We will, in the end, elect a human president, but we need to pray that he (or even worse, she) will be guided by God Himself to make the right decisions in office. And we need to pray that the most capable person in the presidential race is the one elected. The only way to make America great again is to turn back to God and stop being so self-focused. The name of God is found on our currency and in the Pledge of Allegiance. But it's like we've forgotten that. It's like God means nothing anymore--and at this time He should mean more to us than at any other time in this nation's history.
At this time of year, usually my focus is on the Breeders' Cup alone, but this year it is different. While I still have a lot of Breeders' Cup fever burning within me (and was deeply upset by the retirement of Exaggerator on Monday, even though I didn't expect him to run in the Breeders' Cup this year), this election season is killing my focus, and I hope and pray that the Breeders' Cup is only a happy prelude to the results of the election the following Tuesday.
I also need to make sure my husband's grandmother has NBC and NBCSN on her TV.
As an ending note, can y'all pray for my mother-in-law's healing? She suffers from Lyme Disease and has parasites attacking her heart. She and my sister-in-law (who both recently got over gluten allergies--yay!!) are out of town at a clinic that works on flushing out the toxins from people suffering from allergies and diseases and filling them with nutrients to fight and eventually conquer the illnesses. They had planned on staying for just a week, but that has now been extended to three weeks, not because healing is happening, but because they have uncovered other issues than need targeting NOW.
This means Cookie has more time to play with Victorio and Geronimo before he goes back to being a solo kitten. He enjoys that!
My father-in-law spent the first few days with them and then went off to a reenactment in Kentucky, and then came back with the group he was with on Monday, so he could get to work to help fund the extra two-week stay his daughter and wife are having up there in Tennessee. My sister-in-law is in fine health, by the way. She is simply staying to keep an eye on her mother.
Her pituitary, central nervous system, kidneys, and liver need to start working together to flush the toxins out of places like her joints.
The edema needs to be resolved as it is very bad, and her pancreas, liver, spleen, and heart (and more...) need to be healed.
Her babesia needs to be taken away, and the parasite problem dealt with, for they are overworking/targeting her heart.
Once all of these are taken care of, she should be well on her way to being healed from the disease that has kept her mostly bedridden (95% of the time!) for many years, if she isn't healed already by the time these issues are eliminated and her systems actually start working together.
Thank you all, and congratulations for making it through my long post!
My best friend, KitMarie, posted her weekly L'Art Classique blog post on Monday (which you can read HERE if you want to get a good idea of what this first part is about). As soon as I read it, I knew what at least part of my post this week would be about.
I am three years her junior, her fifth cousin once removed, her old neighbor (in the country, living 10 miles apart still counts as neighbors), and still one of her best friends. She was maid of honor at my wedding and is my dearest friend--besides, of course, my husband.
This first part of my post is about my point of view on things she brought up in Monday's blog post. Seeing as how we are in two different positions in life and have two different personalities, I thought I'd set my own words out there, sort of in response, and sort of as an expansion on her words.
Overview of "society lied to you", L'Art Classique's October 10 post
"...most people have this idea of success in their heads that they have to get married, settle down, and have kids."
I see people skipping the getting married part of this far too often these days.... just settling down and having kids (but not properly raising them) with someone who isn't their spouse. So I'm not really 100% sure about how accurate this sentence is.While I, uh, actually am in the middle of this, this was and is not my idea of success. At one time in my life, I actually abhorred the idea of marriage and children. Yes, I fell in love, but that was not my plan in life. I was going to live with KitMarie and forge my own path. I was going to be a trainer of Thoroughbreds, eventually owning and breeding them, and to me success would be standing in the winner's circle with my charge. If and when I got married, it would be to someone in the same line of work as I was in.
Instead, God changed my plans before I could possibly set out on the path to racing, giving me my husband and then a child (which is due next March). And no, this isn't my idea of success. But then again, I am not "most people". And those people who think that being married, settled down, and having kids, is success, well, they need to experience it. Being married has made me feel more like an idiot and a selfish woman than being single did--not that I ever actually got the chance to live a "truly single" life and not be attached to anyone. I will say, though, that it has also made me feel the best about myself--in a large part due to my fantastic and wonderful husband.
YIKES I look younger than I am... o.O |
Success should be feeling good about what you've done in your life. It should be about being the best you can be. Maybe success is helping your friends out when they're in need, no matter if they actually see the need or not (shout-out to Christians here with lost or misguided friends). Maybe it is just living from day to day, doing what you can for your community or your coworkers or employer.
Success is also reaching the top shelf in a cupboard, LOL! |
For me, success is hearing my husband's praise for a job well done. It is feeling our unborn child roll and kick within me. It is seeing my own handiwork being put to use. It is seeing prayers answered. Success is picking a winner at the races. It is having a successful ride or work session with a horse. And it will be, one day, finally knowing my child is potty-trained. It will be knowing that my children are walking in faith, God-fearing Christians. It will be knowing that I need not fear when they move away.
"Being single, living alone, being content outside of a proper relationship – these things are not unnatural or strange."
I agree with this. More sociable people might move in with best friends of the same sex just so they're not living alone (aka if you're an extrovert and can't stand not having somebody around for very long), but living your significant other (boyfriend or girlfriend, or even fiance or fiancee) is not acceptable. It leads to guilt later, for you have sinned and you know it, even if you don't believe in God, or any god.When I was single.... |
I don't know here what she means about a "proper" relationship. That can be taken in so many different ways by so many different people. My take on what a proper (unmarried, romantic) relationship is, is a relationship made up of two people of the opposite sex who do not engage in any kind of sexual activity. And there are reasons for this besides what the Bible says. And then a proper, married relationship is between two people of the opposite sex, never of the same sex.
Same-sex relationships don't allow for any kind of reproduction. Sure, technology is now allowing for same-sex relationships to bear children, but it is not natural. How would you feel if you saw two mares or two stallions in a "sexual" relationship? It would be weird, wrong, and very strange!
Note here: There have been cases of mares mounting other mares, but this is caused by a Granulosa cell tumor. Once this is removed, the mare goes back to normal.
Oh wait, yes I do. It was God and our fear of Him (and, at least for me, the fear of what guilt would do to us later) that kept us pure when everything else (including our own impulses) could not.
"Young people may not be ready for a heavy commitment yet, but they would still rather be in a relationship than be single and ‘alone’."
If you are not ready for the commitment of marriage, then you should not be pursuing a relationship with someone. "Recreational" relationships are no good for you or the other person. Indeed, relationships are designed not for recreation or "sport", but to find out about each other for the end goal of getting married. If you don't intend this relationship to end in marriage, do not pursue it. I never pursued a relationship I never intended to advance toward marriage, and I never will regret that.And what is this about not being ready for a "heavy commitment" in general? You need to be ready for a heavy commitment before you get a job! You need to handle commitments in order to survive out in the world!
Only commitment has gotten me to where I am now with Sue |
And here's something. When you become a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew or anything religious, you become committed to following the laws and habits of that religion. You cannot just say, "Hey, I'm a Buddhist!" and then live as if you weren't one, completely denying your faith. It doesn't work that way!
Even when you become a "none" or an atheist, you still are committed to the lifestyle someone of no faith or no god would lead.
Truck work with my siblings, 11 1/2 months before D and I met. |
"...check out 1 Corinthians 7:32-35."
I repeat this, because it is true. Please check it out, and read what it says, word for word. The Bible is to be taken literally (you might take some exceptions in the book of Psalms), including its words about homosexuality.
"It’s not a bad thing to be single and contented!"
Again, I agree with this!! It isn't bad at all! Some people just aren't supposed to get married, and others don't meet "the one" until further on in life. It is a matter of patience, and if you are content being single (but haven't entirely ruled out getting married--that can get dangerous), then you will be content when you are married, too. I was single and content before I met my husband, and now I am married--and even more content.None of my siblings are in relationships--and they're all content. |
"...if I can’t live a full and amazing life now when I’m single and independent, why would it be any different once there is someone else involved?"
This is true. If you can't, then you don't need a husband or wife yet. You need to learn how to live life, and then you can bring someone into it and transfer your focus from your own life to theirs as well.3 1/2 years ago. They're all black belts in Tae Kwon Do now. |
"I don’t spend my days wishing I had someone to share these good moments with."
And that is good. Nor should you. You will only know what you've been missing once you fall in love. And until that happens, you should be content where you are at and living life to its fullest, but not to the extent that you rule out marriage entirely, as I've already mentioned.With that, I end my own, expanded views on her post.
The day we first laid eyes on each other, 11 1/2 months before we actually met |
My Life This Past Week
We are having a work day here in a week. That means that this past week has been full of house prep to accommodate the workers and the projects. Mostly, we've been cleaning, so that next week my dear D can work on final prep on the actual project locations.
We've also gone riding, and did it in our reenacting gear. It was the first ride for both horses in quite a while, and I was not surprised by the stubbornness Sue showed at first. But, once we got going, she got down to business, and behaved surprisingly well. However, I did not once have her going faster than a jog, so who knows how that would've gone. Mandy and Kaylen, who are Sue and Jack's buddies, were the ones freaking out. Dingus was a little confused about this whole person-on-horse business when D rode Jack around him bareback before we rode to the house to saddle up, but the colt has a little while before he needs to worry about that. Lol.
Sneaky was given hay on Sunday, and his eyes lit up. We'll let him have some time putting on more weight before turning my fat little mare in with him. There is not yet any confirmation about Mandy being pregnant, but so far we haven't seen obvious signs of heat--and when that horse goes into heat, everybody knows.
Kelly has been coming in and stealing food when we leave the doors open on cooler days or during the cooler times of the day while the air conditioning is off. Somehow she still thinks she's feral, and the kittens hate her with a passion, for she rules the outdoors like a haughty queen and takes over the indoors with the same manner.
Kelly, in the house |
"His" spot |
"Their" spot |
Presidential Debate Review
We did watch most of the 2nd presidential debate, and I will say this: while I am not too thrilled with Trump (at all), I did see the businessman side of him and appreciated it (I'm married to an entrepreneur myself, so there...), and also realized the kind of state of mind people must have in order to vote for Clinton. Hillary, if she ever proves remotely useful, would be the one the lazy folks on welfare want, or those who love high taxes and want a socialist state--which is not what this country was supposed to be in the first place. I am not saying that everyone on welfare is lazy (I believe some are actually hard workers but for one reason or another cannot provide for themselves), but it seems that a good majority of them are, or at least the very worst money managers in the world.
It is those who don't understand how business (or life) works that hate Trump (the rest of us with a good brain just dislike him). Those who want a socialist "republic" are those who do not understand how a country works, especially one that truly allows the so-called American dream.
Clinton makes me sick to my stomach. How she can have so much support, especially with her email scandal still going on, completely drives me nuts. I listened to both sides on Sunday night, trying to see both points of view. And I found myself far more in line with Trump's view than Clinton's. I found nothing I liked with Clinton.
While I do not support either candidate, if I was a citizen, I would vote for Trump. Here's why: the Democrats, the idiots in this country, make up too big a population for us to go splitting our votes for other people (unless we all vote for the same third-party candidate, which I really do not see happening). I do appreciate the fact that there are other parties, and if I didn't feel such a need to not allow Clinton into the White House, I would vote for one of their candidates. But the Democrats, unlike the rest of us people with half a brain, will get Hillary Clinton in, if we do not get Trump enough votes to beat her. And we, by simply voting third-party, or not voting, can pave the way for her.
I don't trust Trump. I don't trust any of the third-party candidates (mostly because A: they're politicians, and B: there is little readily available information about them). But I know for a fact that we cannot trust Clinton. Ever.
She bragged about how she got voted in as Senator with more votes the second time than the first time in New York. Yeah, I know how that happened: New Yorkers are idiots! That's how she got to be a senator in the first, and second, place.
I do not believe there is such a thing as throwing away your vote, and I was a little saddened to hear my sweet husband, who was one of many voters (along with KitMarie) who got Cruz Texas in the primaries, say he'll probably vote for Trump. But I've had my chance to sleep on it, and now I see that it is probably the only way to keep Clinton from office. And that's because those socialists band together, and we on the "right" are more independent thinkers. Personally, my heart says vote third party. But my head, which is in full defense mode against the woman who would be the most useless and ridiculous president in the history of the world, says to vote Trump. I'm not against woman presidents. I'm against Clinton presidents, and we've already had one.
If Trump does one thing, and one thing alone in office, he will be worth it. And that one thing (or two), is repealing Obamacare, and then replacing with something that actually works and isn't totally socialist! If he cuts taxes, locks down the border, and does extreme vetting on Muslim immigrants on the side, well, no matter how much I dislike him now, he'll at least have half my respect then.
I am all for the extreme vetting, by the way, for if I was part of a religion where a good amount of us were being radical and dangerous to multiple countries around the world, I would be understanding about why I had to undergo so much more than other people from other religions did, just to move into that country. And I would be upset at the people who were doing those ugly deeds to force us into having to undergo these tests, not the government that had these tests in place.
I will, with my husband's help, be putting up a post on how 3rd parties should run for president if they want to actually get into the White House... and also on how "swing states" and other states like them screw over the entire presidential race. And I will try to have it up before the election....
Besides the candidates, I do have one peeve from the debate: Trump mentioned that "Honest Abe" Lincoln never told a lie (after Clinton mentioned him as being fair to all the people, which is false), and that was a difference between him (Lincoln) and Clinton. Uh, Lincoln lied about a lot of things. He was a politician, a racist (he saw no reason to free slaves--until it became something handy for keeping other countries, like Britain, from siding "officially" with the South, so there, both of you), and he set it up so that the Confederacy fired first in the War for Southern Independence. My only wish is that he hadn't been murdered by John Wilkes Booth, because now he is remembered as a sort of martyr, and had he lived to old age, that would never have happened--and maybe he would've finally done something to help the Unreconstructed further their Cause. The War wasn't over slavery. It was over taxes and freedom, just like the original Revolution was.
Oh, and the Confederacy already had a plan in place to dissolve slavery. Look it up.
Plans for the Next Week (or so)
With five weeks until our next reenactment, my sister-in-law and I have some work to do to get a nice day outfit put together for me. My growing belly is too big for my ball gown, and I do need a more period correct day outfit. We are more crammed for time than expected, for she and and my mother-in-law are spending an extra two weeks out of town. However, we have a skirt pattern picked. Now we just need a shirt/blouse pattern that works for adding and then, eventually, removing pieces to expand and then shrink it to what I need. After all, that was the way it was done back in the day, to keep from wasting whole dresses.
I don't fit that dress anymore |
And, finally... My third appointment with my midwife is next Thursday (assuming no one goes into labor in time to postpone it again), and my dear D will be coming with me. We will find out whether I will need rhogam shots or not (crossing my fingers it's a no so I don't have to deal with more needles in this pregnancy, or $300 for TWO shots...!), my husband will finally get to hear his child's heartbeat... and maybe watch as the midwife tracks the sneaky little baby down to actually get a heartbeat, like she's done the last two times. Last time, we found the heartbeat and then the shy/stubborn sucker ran off. Twice. It's not like there's that much room in my belly for it to hide!
In Review
I know, this is probably my most controversial blog post yet. But hey, it's my blog. I may not be a citizen of this country yet, but I have lived here for 11 years as a legal resident, my husband is a citizen, one of my brothers was born here, and my unborn child will be a citizen. By having lived here for 11 years, I have seen the stupidest decisions the people can make in choosing presidents so far (aka Barack Obama twice), and also seen the progression of the homosexual movement and the degradation of the Church. It sickens me to think of what this country has been and what it will be on the road it is headed on, especially if Mrs. Clinton is elected. We will, in the end, elect a human president, but we need to pray that he (or even worse, she) will be guided by God Himself to make the right decisions in office. And we need to pray that the most capable person in the presidential race is the one elected. The only way to make America great again is to turn back to God and stop being so self-focused. The name of God is found on our currency and in the Pledge of Allegiance. But it's like we've forgotten that. It's like God means nothing anymore--and at this time He should mean more to us than at any other time in this nation's history.
At this time of year, usually my focus is on the Breeders' Cup alone, but this year it is different. While I still have a lot of Breeders' Cup fever burning within me (and was deeply upset by the retirement of Exaggerator on Monday, even though I didn't expect him to run in the Breeders' Cup this year), this election season is killing my focus, and I hope and pray that the Breeders' Cup is only a happy prelude to the results of the election the following Tuesday.
I also need to make sure my husband's grandmother has NBC and NBCSN on her TV.
Finally, A Prayer Request
As an ending note, can y'all pray for my mother-in-law's healing? She suffers from Lyme Disease and has parasites attacking her heart. She and my sister-in-law (who both recently got over gluten allergies--yay!!) are out of town at a clinic that works on flushing out the toxins from people suffering from allergies and diseases and filling them with nutrients to fight and eventually conquer the illnesses. They had planned on staying for just a week, but that has now been extended to three weeks, not because healing is happening, but because they have uncovered other issues than need targeting NOW.
This means Cookie has more time to play with Victorio and Geronimo before he goes back to being a solo kitten. He enjoys that!
My father-in-law spent the first few days with them and then went off to a reenactment in Kentucky, and then came back with the group he was with on Monday, so he could get to work to help fund the extra two-week stay his daughter and wife are having up there in Tennessee. My sister-in-law is in fine health, by the way. She is simply staying to keep an eye on her mother.
What needs to happen, in order to get her actually feeling and doing better, are these things:
Her pituitary, central nervous system, kidneys, and liver need to start working together to flush the toxins out of places like her joints.The edema needs to be resolved as it is very bad, and her pancreas, liver, spleen, and heart (and more...) need to be healed.
Her babesia needs to be taken away, and the parasite problem dealt with, for they are overworking/targeting her heart.
Once all of these are taken care of, she should be well on her way to being healed from the disease that has kept her mostly bedridden (95% of the time!) for many years, if she isn't healed already by the time these issues are eliminated and her systems actually start working together.
Thank you all, and congratulations for making it through my long post!
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