Photo Thoughts Part 4: Young Love

This picture was taken in June or July of 2016. This picture brings on so many thoughts and feelings, but none do this moment justice. You see, it was taken in the days or weeks following my accident with Sneaky. Yance was a secret except to us and our parents, and I was recovering from a concussion. And my sweetheart, my honey, my love, was there through it all. And I love him. We had been married for about three months when this was taken, and tomorrow we will have been married exactly seventeen months: one year and five months. And it has only gotten better. My communication skills, especially with him, are awful. But still he is relentless in his love for me. I need him, and he needs me. With God's help, we will stay strong over the years. Just a few nights ago as we were dozing off to sleep, I murmured to my man, "I think I'll enjoy growing old with you." Or something to that effect. I don't remember exactly. But I want there to be picture...