Looking Back on 2016

My year... in review! January: The house was prepared for moving, and its new location prepared, too. February: Our house was moved, and work began to remodel it and fix mold and water damage issues. Also, D had his first-ever gun show, and I had my bridal showers. Thrown in the mix was a reenactment. March: My birthday, then bachelorette party, and then continued work on our house. I hauled the horses down (with my dad’s help), and it was the first time driving a loaded horse trailer anywhere. We got the engagement photos done, and then there was the bachelor party. Finally, there was the wedding! April: We got home from the honeymoon to an improved home, and began to unpack and get what we needed in proper places. We had a reenactment, and then two more open weekends for working around the place before another reenactment. The cats (Kelly and Odo) also came down. Kelly immediately went feral, but Odo w...