
Showing posts from 2016

Looking Back on 2016

My year... in review! January: The house was prepared for moving, and its new location prepared, too. February: Our house was moved, and work began to remodel it and fix mold and water damage issues. Also, D had his first-ever gun show, and I had my bridal showers. Thrown in the mix was a reenactment. March: My birthday, then bachelorette party, and then continued work on our house. I hauled the horses down (with my dad’s help), and it was the first time driving a loaded horse trailer anywhere. We got the engagement photos done, and then there was the bachelor party. Finally, there was the wedding! April: We got home from the honeymoon to an improved home, and began to unpack and get what we needed in proper places. We had a reenactment, and then two more open weekends for working around the place before another reenactment. The cats (Kelly and Odo) also came down. Kelly immediately went feral, but Odo w...

On Abortion

Why do people consider the unborn child only a “fetus” (which by the way means baby), or a non-living being? What about the birth transforms a “lifeless” fetus into a living being? How can one person consider this “lifeless” fetus to be a great blessing and cheer about its mere existence, and another want to completely be rid of it, considering it a useless, lifeless thing? And how can one person mourn the loss of a fetus and another be relieved about, even celebrating, exactly that? Indeed, sometimes one person can hate and get rid of an unborn child, the “lifeless fetus” (lifeless baby), simply because she didn’t want it. And then, later, she can love and cherish another “lifeless fetus” (again, lifeless baby) and breathlessly await its birth. The objects didn’t change, both are considered either unborn, living children, or “lifeless” until birth. All that changed was that person’s opinion of it. Do we just go around killing animals or people because we hate them, and let those t...

What We Did This Week (and are doing this weekend)

Birthday Celebrations On Sunday, we celebrated my husband's birthday (a week and a half later...) with a party. It was supposed to be a surprise, but of course my secret-keeping is fantastic around my beloved (not) so he knew there was a party... he just didn't know what the meal plans were or who all was coming. So it was still kind of a surprise. My family (siblings and parents) were the first to show up, and supplied us with lunch: pizza. Of course, this went well because my sweetie loves pizza! Later on in the afternoon, people began drifting in, and hung around for a little while until they had to go. The party didn't really get into gear until 4 or 5, and in the meantime D was working on plumbing for the bathroom sink and also working on a black-powder rifle. Neither project actually got done, much to his chagrin, but there was progress made. One of D's second cousins brought a fruit tray and a veggie tray, which actually got eaten out of! I also had cho...

To The Love of My Life

My Sweet D, You came into my life at the perfect moment. You took my heart and handled it with such gentle care that I could find no reason to take it back. In the time that we've been married, you have proven time and time again that I made the right decision last October when I answered, "Yes," to a question you gave me, and again when I replied "I do" to another question given me this past March. I thank the Lord above for you each and every day. I could not have picked a better man on my own. It was only with God's help I found someone so hard working, so devoted, so loving, so gentle, yet firm and honest and above all pure and clean. I could not have done it on my own. After this past weekend, I have found a whole new level of appreciation for you. For two days and two nights, the first time in our marriage, we were apart. I thought I could handle it. After all, I'd had you every day and every night for eight and a half months. But no...